Currently, the EPA sets expensive, strict, top down
rules, strategies, and technologies for companies to
obey or else. It would be far better for the EPA to
set discharge standards then let businesses find the
best way to achieve that goal.
However, is the goal of the EPA really to improve environ-
mental standards? IF we are what we DO, not what we SAY.
The EPA has done harm to U.S. businesses, to American
prosperity, and thus to the American worker and their
famlies by down grading our quality of life rather than
improve quality of air and water.
If EPA has their way, we will be like starving millions
in India with cattle all around, yet nothing to eat. The
religion of Environmentalism prevents us from utilizing
the earth and its resources. (... Where are the separation
of church and state ACLUnatics when you need them?...)
God gave us these resources to benefit and improve the
world and its standard of living. But like the sacred
cow and the starving Hindu’s, we whither while the cow
grows fat.
The EPA is being wielded like a sword to wreak havoc on our economy.