“I fear that if we lose Texas we will never win another election and Perrys approach WILL cause us to eventually lose Texas!”
Perry will have nothing to do with conservatives “losing Texas”.
What WILL have something to do with that, is “demographics”.
And the demographics of Texas are changing.
Moreso, they are changing rapidly.
Before too long, Texas will no longer be a majority-white state. Like California and New Mexico before it, it will become a “minority-majority” state, with Hispanics comprising a plurality — eventually to become the majority — of its inhabitants. (Aside: I can’t say a majority of “citizens” because many of the majority “inhabitants” will be illegal.
And it doesn’t matter whether there’s an amnesty or not. Those illegals who remain and propagate here will “self-legalize” in about 20 years, through their progeny, because each and every child born to an illegal residing on American soil is by law an “American citizen”, for better or for worse.
Conservatives (and the Republican party) aren’t going to get the majority of the Hispanic votes. Not now. Not ever.
To keep promoting a blind Polyanna-ish notion that they somehow might, is to ignore reality. As a well-know lady writer said some years ago, we may ignore reality, but we cannot escape the _consequences_ of ignoring reality .
Just sayin’...
And since this thread is ostensibly about Mark Steyn's analysis and comments, I'll throw in this quote from his book America Alone: "Demography is destiny"...
Oh BTW Castigar, enjoy these threads, but don't lose your head... /g