baraq was way over his head before he was even sworn in. He has been faking it and his media has been covering for him like a helicopter parent. His actions and the actions of his regime are coming home to roost and he has nothing. Never had anything to start with. He was just an image and a dream of the idealistic morons who have the right to vote.
When he assumed the office, our country needed a strong leader who understands the threat of terrorism, who had strong executive and leadership skills and experience and who could connect with the average American. We got on the ballot a democrat and a marxist. And the inexperienced marxist won. baraq was and is the worst possible person to be in that position given the position this country was and is in.
NEVER forget and always remind your offspring just what party and their media dragged this piece of human filth into the White House and never let them live this down.
A most excellent rant;)
I’m not a psychiatrist - but I do believe he is projecting & that he just left a meeting with his campaign advisors - and they had seen the photos of Rick Perry in his flight suit...a reminder of McCain & Bush.
Someone must have said - “Barry, you might stand a chance against Romney, but if Perry is nominated - it would be nice if you had a picture of yourself in a military uniform”.
That is when he began to stutter; “But I am a warrior”.