You have no ideal how much federal money, collected from citizens is pumped into each states education system each year do you.? I hate to use this twice but Texas changed the level of state subsidies for higher education this year. The current in-state fees did something more than “inch toward” the out of state fees ~ they seem to have DOUBLED and are currently within $4,000 per semester of the out of state. That reduces the direct subsidy to about $8,000 per year rather than the full $22,000. Romney’s folks used a ref that included housing. Seems out of state students don’t get access to the cheaper dorms in a lot of these schools ~ or could be the relative percentages of freshmen and grad students is different. I didn’t dig through it.
That is $12,000 per semester, or $24,000 per year.
See, I am able to go back and check errors.
That is a fascinating difference ~ Texas actually thinks they can get $34,000 from out of state undergraduate students.
No doubt they plan on using the higher rates to subsidize even more illegal aliens.