I don't recall having said that I have any great government issues with what she says.
Who knows what she would do over the long haul...because she has never stayed over the long haul. It's one thing to talk...quite another to walk the talk...and she walked out when the going got tough!
I simply think that she is not ready for Prime Time!
I honestly believe she would learn a lot from JUST being mayor of a large city in the lower 48.
There are 700,000 people in Alaska...1,500,000 in San Antonio.
Herman Cain had more employees than Sarah had constituents.
What are your government issues with Perry? Don't go into Gardasil because that issue was resolved in TX years ago.
What are your government issues with Perry? Don't go into Gardasil because that issue was resolved in TX years ago.
So you can twist why Palin resigned but don't touch Perry's issues.
I haven't time for games.
You have a nice day.