If I were seeking elective office (or had any influence whatsoever), the first step I’d take is to recalibrate qualifications for SSI by changing the ADA. As it stands, all one has to do is affirm s/he is a drug addict or practicing alcoholic and, voila! Here come the SSI checks. No questions asked. They are considered ‘disabled.’
I would rewrite SSI qualifications so that the truly disabled continue to receive benefits. Those who qualified under the ADA designation for alcoholism and/or drug addiction would be given, say, 2 years, of continued benefit with a mandatory (are I say?) rehab program. If they can’t sober up in 2 years, they’re just out of luck or at least out of SSI payments.
I have to agree with you, the disability thing is out of control. I might go so far as to limit benefits for drug or alcohol addiction to a year with a rehab program.