All "untouchable" - but our nation's heroes are on the block again, and again, and again under this Administration.
Obamma will not cut social security or medicare, but he will screw the military without a care in the world!
It’s time people realize that EVERYTHING should be on the table. That includes SS, Medicare, federal workers, farm subsidies, the military...everything. Are we willing to borrow more money from China to pay for military retirements at 20 years? Conservative republicans need to go toe-to-toe over social programs but if they start trying to “protect” their interests we will never rescue this economy.
And, yes, I’m a vet and a federal worker. We simply can’t afford all this.
He’s rather cut a retired Sgts. pension than a retired sh-thead politican or their staff. Peeelosi comes to mind.
How can military pensions be growing when we have cut our military?
Clinton cut them, Bush cut them, Obama cut them and the pension problem is growing? How can that be?
Let’s cut the Congressional Pensions, and cut about half of the Secret service agents we have guarding people who don’t need guarding.
Let Warren Buffett fund it. He says he ain’t paying enough. . . . . . .
I have a son with just over 10 Yrs Svc who is a Major in SF. He told me yesterday that if they take away his 20 Year retirement benefit, he is gone. I suspect there would be a lot more and it would decimate our Officer and NCO ranks.
If military benefits are on the table then the benefits for every other government worker should face the same cuts.
Everybody wants something ELSE cut. And here we are.
I was the only gray hair in the office that didn't work there. The rest were wearing the hijab!
I sensed a problem...
Only a liberal fagrag like the Slimes would term the military retirement system a “social welfare program.”
I am retired military. There is probably a good way to accomplish this without harm. Privatizing military pensions might be a good way and might also provide more than the traditional does now. Even a modest gain over 20 years could give the retiree more in pocket.
Perhaps a lump sum is invested the first day of boot camp. That money vests fully over 20 years. If a person stays beyond 20 then more is added to the pot. Let the enlistee choose the investment mix. I bet it could probably be done with as little as 100 thousand at enlistment.
These people EARNED it defending your sorry asses, ya miserable worthless bastards ! ! !
Didn’t read the whole article but it didn’t mean cut benefits of those already retired, did it? I figure they will trim those retiring in the future, and all programs should be on the table.
When all federal workers’ benefits are cut, when all welfare benefits are cut, when ALL share in the paring down of government costs, then and only then should cuts to those who defend this country be considered.
Something I’ve always wondered.....Since our veterans have the VA for their health care, why don’t the poor have a health clinic system, with a co-pay, like veterans?
Here in Illinois public service pensions are “untouchable” and cannot be cut!
Some are generous beyond belief!
See Stroger’s secretary and many others.
Lawyer: ‘Welching’ on public employee pensions not an option
The people who wrote the 1970 Illinois Constitution knew they were guaranteeing public employees that their pensions would not be reduced once they started working, according to a new legal analysis by the Senate Democrats top lawyer....
My father was career Navy and collected past the age of 91 (Smile)!
My mother still receives some.
The FIRST pension to be reduced should be that of CONGRESS and the ADMINISTRATION who has caused this mess. Always amazes me in the private sector, some blowhard makes it to the top, wrecks the company, then walks away with a few million in pensions for his efforts. The military should be the LAST cut for pensions. The ONLY function of the US Gov allowed by the constitution is to PROTECT and DEFEND the citizens. And they cut that one first ... what a mess.
Lord I despise and hate this administration as much as is possible to do. The military pensions are the LAST PENSIONS in the USA that should be cut. The only people who have actually DONE something FOR our country!!! It just makes me ill to hear of this. I wish I could do more than vote in every election (which I do) for the right side.
OK, so maybe NOW the troops won’t allow themselves to be used by O’bummer and his pathetic wife for photo ops...
Just say NO!!!!!!
Stopped reading this tripe right there.
Deferred military compensation is not "welfare".
FU NYSlimes
“...another big social welfare system...”
I personally find this statement to be insulting and demeaning.