Gardasil stops many prominent strains of HPV, but has not been proven to stop all of them. It still might be possible through indiscriminate sexual behavior to get a cancer-causing strain of HPV in spite of Gardasil. And Gardasil can’t put a condom on anybody’s heart.
Gardasil ought to be something left to the choice of parents, and not used to inflate insurance premiums. No matter how nice or well intended, a nanny state is still a nanny state.
Gardasil is it’s own issue but the general discussion against mandating vaccines seems odd because we already mandate polio and other vaccines. If it’s the whole vaccines cause autism argument, the science doesn’t support it. At that point we are demanding kids’ rights to die of childhood diseases?
True, but it stops the 2 strains that cause more than 70% of all cervical cancer.
And Gardasil cant put a condom on anybodys heart.
True also. But that is not the intended use... :-)