Don't like murder? Fine, don't practice it, but don't let your aversion to the practice cause you to deny the right of someone else to get rid of someone they find inconvenient.
Don't like theft? Fine, don't practice it, but don't let your aversion to the practice cause you to hold the gun to someone's head who just needs to do a little stealin' to feed their family
Don't like extortion, don't like rape, don't like slavery, don't like terrorism, fine, don't practice it, but don't deny others the right to "do what they want with their own bodies". I mean hey, let's be tolerant here.
When you impose your will on someone else, you are using force, violence, the acts of war, to effect the change. Make sure that the ends justify the carnage you inflict..
So wanting to pass laws to protect the innocent children who experiencing genocide in this country is using "force and violence"?
I have yet to see an health insurance claim for murder, theft, extortion, slavery, and terrorism. And what about rape; what would you ask the health insurance company to do there? Yet pregnancy is routinely covered by health insurance, by "treatment" in hospitals. That suggests that pregnancy is a health condition, and a preventable one at that -- or haven't you seen both condoms and birth control pills?
Of all the crimes listed above, only pregnancy is one that does not involve one person imposing his or her will by force on another, and where the victim doesn't ask to be tortured, raped, terrorized, or deprived liberty or earned possessions. And YOU, personally, can be the target of every single crime listed here, except one. (Unless the perp has a time machine.)
We sometimes forget that pregnancy can kill. Mother. Baby. Sometimes both.
If there is a stillbirth, is that murder? If not, why not?
One reason I think that abortion is between a mother and the baby, AND NO ONE ELSE EXCEPT GOD, is because sometimes there is no perfect outcome.
Oh, yes, how about the unwanted baby, particularly one conceived in an act of rape? Most abortion foes I know say "Tough luck, sweetie, that's the way the cookie crumbles." Theft of an independent life. Or, how many babies have you adopted?
I'm for fewer laws. Crimes of violence against active members of society are the few I stand still for.