Hey, where are all the NYC construction workers that used to beat on the hippies back in the early 70’s during their protests, riots, US flag burnings and general marxist tendencies? They can beat on the hippies in the morning and beat on the mosque supporters in the afternoon. All in a days work saving the United States from foreign enemies.
Maybe I can round up the local Amish gang members and bus them to NYC.Hey hippies,beware of the switchblade pitchforks.
Ah yes, the good old days - http://www.examiner.com/conservative-politics-in-national/hard-hat-riots-a-forgotten-chapter-sixties-history-echo-tea-parties-of-today
Construction workers at the World Trade Center building site got wind of the plan. When anti-war protester assembled at the George Washington statue on Wall Street that day -- complete with Viet Cong flags -- suits and hard hats joined forces against the hippies...
Ah yes, the good old days - http://www.examiner.com/conservative-politics-in-national/hard-hat-riots-a-forgotten-chapter-sixties-history-echo-tea-parties-of-today
Construction workers at the World Trade Center building site got wind of the plan. When anti-war protester assembled at the George Washington statue on Wall Street that day -- complete with Viet Cong flags -- suits and hard hats joined forces against the hippies...