The site I've been using to find HPV related legislation is HPV Vaccine: State Legislation and Statutes, by the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Cboldt, Looks like you’ve got the basic information, from a good source. However, it’s only part of the story, because it does not include the evolution of the mandated vaccines over time in the Texas Legislature. The Lege had gradually mandated a core set of “opt out” vaccinations, delegated the mandating of other vaccines solely to the Commissioner of the Health Services, and made the opt out more and more restrictive.
From the buzz in 2007 in Austin, the Legislators themselves were surprised how difficult the opt out process had become, so they did not act against the portion of the Governor’s EO that mad it easier and available on line.
Sun, I was a member of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons for years and wrote an amicus letter when we sued Hillary Clinton for her closed meetings on health care reform in the ‘90’s.
I dropped my membership and participation when it became increasingly clear that they weren’t attempting to - or couldn’t - moderate their leaders and their publications and lobbyists are apt to go off on emotional rants and crusades, without regard to facts.
Your link is a perfect example: they ignore the fact that the Governor’s EO changed the opt out to make the request available on line. (The mention of the arbitrary actions of one Catholic diocese is plain silly. The State of Texas is more reasonable than private religious schools? Well bad on the private schools and good on the Law of Texas.)
As I wrote, above:
Prior to the EO, parents had to write to Austin or go there in person to request to request the affidavit form that is given to the school.
The Governors EO stated that the form to request the form be made available on line. Parents may now go on line, fill out a request for each child, and the form is mailed to them. (They or their doctor fill out the form, it is turned into the school, and no record is returned to Austin.)
One very big step and a lot of time is saved this way.
A Google search yielded this information with the State law,
and this site at the Department of State Health Services,
with the form, here