Got breaking news for you, most Americans have had a belly full of compassionate wars, while spending the American treasure on foreign lands, while our own country and economy circle the GD drain.
Got breaking news for you champ, Ron Paul will never be the GOP nominee for President. He will never be President.
Americans are not cowards who allow terrorists a veto power over our foreign policy. Ron Paul is.
After the dust starts settling a few days later, the ID of the perpetrators comes to light, how they got here, how they stayed here, where they came from, etc. I start thinking "Wow, this is it, my country is about to come down hard on immigration. It's about to get serious. This is a huge deal".
"We're going to seal the borders, no more third-world backwards imports, no more Muslims coming by the thousands, mass revocation of visas, triple INS, Marshals, FBI, rounding up people en masse for deportation".
And I waited, and I waited, and I waited. And I thought "this is nuts, what the hell is going on? We're not going to do a thing meaningful. We went to war with Japan and even US citizens of Japanese descent had to go detainee camps, let alone non-citizen visitors. WTF!?"
Then we invaded Afghanistan. And still I thought sanity would come. Then the TSA. Borders wide freakin' open and I'm taking off my belt and grandma's getting a shakedown. Tens of thousands more Muslims pour in. Then tens of thousands more the next year. Handing out visas, green cards, citizenship day in, day out.
Then we're ramping up for war with Iraq. Same thing. By then we were even giving refugee status to people from the countries we were at war with. I'm out of my mind about it at this point. We don't even have candidates running for office that so much as mention curtailing legal immigration from Muslim nations, let alone revocation and deportation.
Then it hit me. There's something about our foreign policy that is way more than meets the eye. Don't know what it is, but, there's something sinister that we don't see. And you'll never convince me otherwise. I got eyes, and I can see what's going on.
Anybody else who doesn't see this is a fool.