“No my contention is that YOU are an ignorant slut. Perry’s slut evidently.”
You know what I love most about you Palin supporters? You consistently exhibit a level of class that your (non) candidate has never and could never exhibit herself. Thanks for your example of how to win supporters and influence people. By the way, did you learn at the feet of Paul supporters, because you are almost THAT classy.
Well I must be the exception to that theory because I don't support a Palin run for POTUS.
You consistently exhibit a level of class that your (non) candidate has never and could never exhibit herself.
I respond in kind. Funny you didn't quote the sentence I replied to which implied that I thought all women were sluts. However, I won't paint with a wide brush because I'm an individual responsibility kind of guy. I'll just hold you responsible for the dissembling left wing type of bs. Fair enough?
Thanks for your example of how to win supporters and influence people. By the way, did you learn at the feet of Paul supporters, because you are almost THAT classy.
Not a Paulite either. Did you learn at the feet of Alinsky? Half the story all the time?