I wish. I would be proud to have her convictions and principles. The one thing that she will do is get rid of Obamacare. It is in her passion. I just hope we don’t make a mistake and get somebody in there that is not going to be able to get rid of Obamacare. I don’t know if Perry really wants to do that or not. Michele at least has worked in the House and can work with them to get rid of Obamacare. If it is not gone in 2013, we are stuck with it forever. Does that not concern you at all. Sure Perry is a nice guy and all, but he does not have the passion to get rid of Obamacare like Michele does.
So a junior congress critter has more executive experience than a 10 year Governor?
Color me skeptical
Do those convictions and principles include smears and flat out lies?
Because that is what Bachmann did.