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Yes many states have done the same. But you overlooked the point I was addressing. Not going to repeat it - if you have an agenda you would overlook it no matter how many times I posted it. And your action speaks louder than words shows your agenda. And her words brought action - the very next day! I guess you overlooked that, also.

When she spoke, they listened and this is when they were pushing it through. Didn’t hear anyone else speak out then. Virginia was the first state to go the court route and then, eventually, other states did the same.

And many many ‘We the People’ citizens made their voices heard in town hall meetings. And many of us called and faxed while they were pushing it through amidst the silence of elected officials. Now it’s to their advantage to, personally, speak out about it.

179 posted on 09/14/2011 11:31:24 PM PDT by presently no screen name
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To: presently no screen name

I take it you’re not a lawyer and don’t know much about how the law works? You need a ‘cause of action’ to file a lawsuit. Virginia and 14 states, including TX, filed suit March 23, 2010. There was nothing “eventually” about the multi-states; 14 started it, others joined later. Nor was there anything to sue about until the Congress passed Obamacare on the morning of March 22, 2010.

Those states were preparing their lawsuits well before they were filed. You can talk or you can do, it’s that simple. And, by the way, I was on Capitol Hill with the protesters on March 20, 2010, albeit limited to words instead of actions. So I guess I DO have an agenda.

I don’t think any one person, however grand that person may be, can take credit for speaking out and getting 27 states’ AG’s to file suit or for making the waters part. We’ve already been there, thank you. Your comments are akin to the proverbial rooster claiming credit for the sun rising.

181 posted on 09/15/2011 12:01:36 AM PDT by EDINVA ( Jimmy McMillan '12: because RENT'S TOO DAMN HIGH)
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