If you ever rise to a position of prominence and power, I’m sure that the people you will surround yourself with are those you dislike, distrust, have done nothing but oppose you and are trying to make you fail. Not!
In other words, I think you’d do like normal people would do and bring your friends, associates, contributors, and confidantes with you...your cronies!
The conqueror rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him. Sometimes his children, robed in white, stood with him in the chariot, or rode the trace horses. A slave stood behind the conqueror, holding a golden crown, and whispering in his ear a warning: That all glory is fleeting.""
No, if I were the big prize winner I wouldn't surround myself with friends and cronies, and well wishers. I'd select hard men, brave men, ruthless men and women who would know right and do right!
To be a winner you must first BE a winner!
Well, I’ve been blessed to reach my aspirations in life including marrying up, raising some great children, and reaching the top office in my profession for a large, successful company.
You are right to the degree that having people you trust and know to be proven in their respective fields is what you seek. But I hesitate to call them cronies to the extent that they receive special treatment or a quid pro quo.
We all rise or sink on the merits. If you select a team that includes flacks, your reputation is on the line and your performance suffers as a result.
So you can line their pockets with taxpayer dollars????
Sheesh! Remind us not to elect you to anything.