I don’t. Some people won’t save or they will outlive their savings. The penalty for irresponsibility shouldn’t be death.
I’m not into a secular libertarian survival of the fittest future world.
Yeah,and they could put their SS check into slot machines and bottles of Jim Beam.
The penalty for irresponsibility shouldnt be death.
At some level of irresponsibility it always will be. It always was. What you're arguing about is the threshold. The higher the threshold the lower the level of liberty. I think the threshold should be lowered and liberty raised myself.
The government has no business owning old people. That's , in essence, what social security is. I believe in God, not government, and I have faith that those truly in need will be taken care of through better and more humane and personal support mechanisms than a bloated bureaucracy. Have a little faith in your fellow man.