Now that I'm doing my own due diligence research, I keep finding warning flags about the guy.
It's great that he's the one Texans want for their Governor, but he should stay in Texas. They want him, they should keep him.
Watching him in action, I get the feeling Texans don't have much say in the matter of Perry being governor.
Perry did not enter the Iowa straw poll......but he calculatedly timed throwing his hat in the ring on the same day Bachman won the Iowa straw poll----stomping all over Bachman's hard-won victory.
Perry cunningly manipulated the Iowa vote from Texas. That strategy was supposed to put him over the top. Instead he got a pathetic 700-800 write-ins ...while Iowa winners who did the right thing-spending time and money there- got 4000 votes each.
The Perrydactyl's were cued to "say" Ricky won Iowa.
And there Perry was----front and center---waving to Iowans, taking pics in front of prominent Iowa banners---manipulating the media to make it look like he was the winner.
Goofball Perry
The winner in his own mind.