the cashier at mcdonald's was very rude to me today. Clearly this makes them communists. You must investigate
Guy in my office just called Obama "stupid" Should I tweet his name, address, age and phone #? Or, will U contact me directly?
yesterday i was walking around singing obama got run over by a reindeer, walking home from kenya xmas eve
If I see an attack should I watch it? Should I tweet first or try and stop the attack and then tweet?
I just informed #attackwatch that I saw 8 folks on TV Monday night saying bad things about the President
I would like to report #JonHuntsman for trying to make jokes at the #CNNTeaParty debate. They weren't funny. Please help.
Dear #AttackWatch I made Obama proud today. I took my kids birthday money and redistributed to her friends
I seen a car speeding this am with a Bush sticker on it
Dear #attackwatch Lucas added voice to Darth Vader throwing the Emp in Jedi, can you do something about that?
Dear #AttackWatch Im reporting marshmallows. They think theyre so superior with their white sugary goodness. Clearly racists.
Notice: Anyone seen dropping gum on the street should be reported to @Attackwatch immediately for reeducation.
I wish to report that she doesn't clean the litter box as often as I like. The environmental disasters I must contend with!
“Im reporting marshmallows. They think theyre so superior with their white sugary goodness. Clearly racists.”
Now THAT’S funny.....
My neighbor hasn't switched to e-statements on all his bills!
Got police state?
Dear #AttackWatch - someone has been using my twitter account to say that @BarackObama 's policies are a dismal failure! Oh wait.
Dear #AttackWatch - I'm eating a high carb, high sodium meal right now.
Dear #AttackWatch, I wish to report an attack on @BarackObama. Michelle Obama won't let him smoke, and God knows he needs one...
I just saw a "Coexist" bumper sticker. I think they are trying to conspire with TEA Party terrorists and make friends with them
If unions OWN you - isn't that a form of illegal slavery? Please investigate
Hey #attackwatch, I think Ted Nugent is using a Gibson guitar - you should go take it away from him.
I just saw a puffy man with a huge carbon footprint muttering about "digital brownshirts." Surveillance requested!
Does Obamacare cover Stitches for Snitches?
I'm changing the oil in the Chiggermobile, and I'm going to pour the old oil out on the ground! Hurry! You might catch me!
This old Rino looking dude called me a Hobbit
Dear #AttackWatch How many neighbors do I need to report to get my free t-shirt?
If I join do I get my own nifty brown shirt?
You can say there's no such thing as justice, but all the good conservatives believe...