thorninaz thorninaz
Hey #attackwatch, I saw 6 ATM’s in an alley, killing a Job. It looked like a hate crime!
WendyGAv WendyGav
#attackwatch Gibson Guitars are 100% American made..have DOJ raid them..oops u did that already
22 minutes ago
Torrey M. Spears
torreymspears Torrey M. Spears
#AttackWatch I’m missing about 500 million dollars invested in some sort of solar energy company that’s gone bankrupt. Help? #tcot #p2
crappleface Scott Ott
#AttackWatch Mr. Obama, someone’s trying to attack the economy to kill your reelection hopes. I think it’s an inside job. Be careful. #PJTV
Alex P Keaton
@I_Hate_Hippies Alex P Keaton
@attackwatch I heard those evil Koch Bros started a new hashtag called #attackwatch