My son is in the Stan right now too. He does not have internet at his COP. I have Skyped with him once over the past 4 months while he was visiting a FOB. I am jealous ;)
He does have a Haji phone that works while standing on top of the outside wall of the COP or standing in the middle of the Latrine, when the stars align, there is just the right wind, etc....needless to say, they take their chances on the wall. A few times he has taken fire while talking to me, I can hear the shots. Needless to say, my nerve threshold is at off the chart!
You and your husband will be in my prayers!
I feel so badly for you. I know how spoiled I am with the contact I have been blessed to receive with my husband. This is our first deployment and I had no clue what to expect and I was expecting the worst. We have a blended family. We have six kids together and this has been a huge test on our strength. Im so happy that our kids have the chance to be able to talk to dad when they need too and I know there are many times I feel at my wits end and I feel so much better after I get to Skype with him. It has been so fun to watch our 13 month old interact with daddy on Skype. She knows the Skype ring and she gets so excited and happy when she hears it.
I do agree with the above also though that the technology is a blessing and a curse at the same time.
God bless you and your son! Ill keep him in my prayers.