PMAS, that was aMorePerfectUnion’s question. I just forgot to put it in italics. Sorry for the confusion.
You are right that an opt in would have caused the parents to have paid the entire cost whereas an opt out would allow the parents who wanted it to have the vaccine paid for by insurance.
aMorePerfectUnion, I was incorrect on the cost. I have read numerous others quote the price for the vaccine as $350.00 per child. I thought it was closer to $160.00.
Both, Rick Perry thought having it as an opt out would give the parents a chance to opt out while not causing a financial burden on those parents who wanted to have the vaccination for their children.
Palin on Greta saying the staff connection to Gardasil IS crony capitalism and that will come back to potentially bite. She must have missed the part of the $5000. contribution was not much of a buy.