Good article. We as a nation tend to commericalize everything, like Christmas and Easter. Those days should be remembered as Holy, not for trying to see if we can outspend or act holier than our neighbors.
9-11 should be solemn. Not long winded speeches, no over drawn TV specials....
I like what Isreal does. I forget what day, but for ten minutes{ I also forget the length of time} everyone stops and stands still. It is a quiet way of remembering what happened and who we lost.
God Bless the USA....may he see us thru the troubles.
My favorite is what Poles do in Warsaw on August 1st to commemorate "Godzina 'W'", at 5:00 PM the time of the start of the Warsaw Uprising, everybody stops what they are doing for one-minute. Cars stop and continuously honk their horns, also church bells and air-raid sirens ring out for that minute.