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To: wastedyears
Cain is proposing to add a national sales tax on top of income taxes.

He thinks he can get them to eliminate many other taxes and make the 3 left 9%, on the way to the "Fair tax" which would eliminate the income tax entirely.

Unfortunately for Mr. Cain, the way this gov't works we'd get a national sales tax and the income tax and all the other taxes.

It'll be like California but at a national level.

1,959 posted on 09/08/2011 1:32:50 AM PDT by newzjunkey (Will racist demagogue Andre Carson be censured by the House?)
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To: newzjunkey
Your correct, that's the way the government works NOW, but something needs to be done to save our future generations from the fiscal nightmare we are laying out for them.. I know it's novel and is hard to get used to, but in Cain we actually have a candidate that is willing to initiate the drastic changes needed to update the current tax system which is completely outdated.

Cain may not be the most polished candidate, but IMHO his leadership skills stand out and that's what it will take to pull off his plan as he describes it. No other candidate is offering up any other new ideas except the same old same old. We're gonna need more than simple philosophical changes to to solve our problems and right now Cain is the only candidate willing to go out on a limb and offer anything that goes beyond that.

1,971 posted on 09/08/2011 4:20:41 AM PDT by 07Jack
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