In a free country, why would someone have to sign an opt-out to keep the government out of your daughters sex life? How in the world is government interference in a personal medical issue conservative? It's not, and you know it! As an adult parent "I" make the choices for my daughter's well-being NOT you and NOT PERRY! I don't care if they sent the slip for opt-out home for me to sign on a golden platter - IT IS NOT THEIR RIGHT TO DETERMINE THAT MY CHILD IS AUTOMATICALLY OPTED IN!
Explain to me how infringing on personal liberty and privacy is conservative and while your at it point out to me in the Constitution what gives government this right.
The Governor agrees with you, and was just trying to get the vaccine paid for by private insurers.
Lockjaw, measles, etc., are all up to you. As is whether you get a pap smear to test for HPV changes - that’s all that the pap smear is for.
The State Legislature made the decision. They made it harder to opt out when they revised it in 2005 to allow “opt out” for conscience and religious reasons in addition to the previous medical opt out. It seems someone had the idea to add a “security seal,” which complicated the request for the request for the paperwork.
The authority to mandate vaccines belonged to the Department of State Health Services, part of the Executive Branch.