The truth is SS is a giant Ponzi scheme and the young people will never see a penny of it. Perry is to be applauded for having the courage to defend his position.
I recall Bush tried to warn the country about SS and he, too, was savaged. Our country is in deep doo doo.
Of course, he told the truth. So what? Palin was savaged relentlessly for false reasons and many of you folks threw her under the bus because “fairly or unfairly” as people like to say, she is damaged goods. NOW I want to see every Republican candidate get the same treatment. If they can hold up better than Palin, so be it. I also want to find out how deep yours and others support is for your candidate when the media gets through with him or are you fair weather supporters? I want to know.
Yep, see my previous post...
that SS is a holy grail is absurd...and a lib media scare tactic...
Cain’s (and wimpy Bushie’s...) idea for a savings plan or some other way out of handing money to the govt in hope that it gives it back in drips and drabs over the years is the way out...good for Perry to call it like it is.