They are trying to 'McCain' him into the nomination. I smell a rat.
Of course they are. Perry would be a disaster of McCain proportions and Obama and the complicit liberal know it. So do you and I.
I agree — Rick Santorum out tonight for me. Although I thought the Catholic
question was out of bounds.
Herman Cain was good. As was Newt.
I liked Michelle because she pointed out that we are going to need
POLITICAL CAPITAL to repeal Obamacare. Just because you waive the
states don’t mean zero. REPEAL OBAMACARE.
I don’t like Huntsman. He’s too patronizing.
After an answer by Mitt Romney — I thought MITT has no poetry in him.
He reminds me of Eric Cantor’s answer in the summit on healthcare in
Feb. 2010. He just said we don’t want Obamacare because we can’t
afford it. A total economic argument.
What about freedom? What about the dignity of the person?
What about the constitution?
Romney didn’t even get the Tea Party definition right.
So I guess what I am saying is... Romney is a big government George Bush
compassionate conservative who will NEVER have the backbone needed
to repeal Obamacare.
Romney’s 59 points is just a laundry list— not a philosophy.
In fact, I thought Romney would make a good Sec. of Treasury,
Budget Director NOT President.