Rick Perry creeps me out. And I’m not just saying that as a Palin supporter. If in the 0.000001 off chance Palin does not run, I will NOT support Perry.
There’s something about both him AND his wife that viscerally discomforts me...There is something so inherently deceptive about them. And I can’t stand that they claim the name of Christ and host things like public prayer rallies...I don’t want to judge their spiritual state, but I know my reaction to them is not emotional—it’s spiritual. I don’t trust them.
I think you can trust Perry. I am a life long Texan and Perry is as Texas as you will get. He wasn’t my first choice but now I have decided he can and will beat Obama.
My wife feels the same way about Palin. She’s a phony.
His wife’s dad delivered me. Spanked me on the @ss to make me breathe. I’m here to tell you Rick’s wife is a weirdo. But she was the prettiest thing in town, best family, all that. But don’t mistake it for dishonesty. THAT they are not.
Yeah, the more I see and learn of Perry the less comfortable I am with him as well. Palin’s my candidate, but at this point I think I’d go with Mitt, Newt, Cain or Bachmann over Perry—and that surprises me.