Admittedly, Perry may not be everything we'd want on immigration, but using terms like "love of illegals" and "open borders" is utter distortion.
Perry on immigration:
Advocated for and eventually signed a stringent voter ID law
Pushed for anti-sanctuary city law
August, 2010: Perry asks Obama for 1,000 additional National Guard troops on border
Perry sends Whitehouse $350 million bill for cost of illegal immigration
Exactly right. Here's the reception given to Govenor Perry by LEGAL Latino Legislators ... Don't you feel the love?
Ok, sorry, but I have to point out an error here... Perry “pushing for a sanctuary city law” is baloney. It was all for show. HE killed it in his underhanded way. His corporate sponsors DO NOT want sanctuary city laws and there was no way he could allow it to come to his desk. Not only that, the sanctary city laws he was so outraged about are IDENTICAL to Texas law....making Texas a sanctuary state....and when a reporter challenged him on it, he told the reporter that if he or anyone else tried to equate TX law w/sanctuary city laws, they were skating on thin ice. EVEN AFTER the fact was laid before him and proved they were the same. His response? “Uh, I ....uh...think they’re different.” ...BUT THEY’RE NOT...