But .. I read today that Palin draws bigger crowds than Romney.
Romney might be an improvement over ZERO - as almost anybody would be, but I’m still supporting Palin.
Romney will get hit over the head as easily by his MassCare (which became ObamaCare) like hitting a bum with a dead fish and stealing his shopping cart. The Left wants him to run, too.
Look, America. If it came down to a vote between Obama and Palin, what would you do? (The Left already knows the answer, hence their attacks on the Tea Party). "Take the son-of-a-bitches out", "tell them to go straight to Hell", "barbarians at the gate", etc. What more evidence do you need to understand that a sizable group in this country hates your guts? (these comments are not directed to you CyberAnt).
To the many geniuses on this thread, has it ever occurred to you that the TEA Party IS the Third Party, yet? What they're trying to accomplish is bringing on-board the so-called conservative Republicans who, 'till now, have been all too willing to work with communists who now call themselves 'progressives'. No matter the label, negotiating with them weakens America as it was founded.
Our job, this next election, is to defeat these bastards once-and-for-all. Your children and grandchildren are counting on you to do the right thing. Shirk this responsibility at your own risk.
If Sarah Palin isn't facing-off with this Marxist Kenyan in Nov. 2012, then I'll be putting my resources to work elsewhere. Y2K can't hold a candle to what lies ahead for us all should we send another McCain, McDole, McRomney, McPerry, McCristy, McAnyone up against Teh One in November. Remember, THEY are the minority, and never forget it.
These desperate pricks have already begun to attack Real Americans for holding dear to their Constitution and the Rule of Law. I have nothing but contempt for them, including some in my own family.
This country shall not descend from this earth by the greedy demands placed upon it by those with unearthly expectations, but rather, by those who refuse to take a stand on behalf of that which is just.
To put it another way, "My ten dollar an hour job can no longer support your pension and benefits, union-boy". "Here's a kick in the nuts."