Sarah did not require of them one thin dime to state she wanted to abolish 'corporate taxes'... We really cannot itch about the political system if we continue to play the games that give some animals more equality than the rest. AND what good is Perry's word now if less than a year ago he declared publicly he was not going to run for the office of president.
Perry is not requiring anything here from these folks...and I say “it’s about time” that corporations started spending some money to protect their (ie, our) freedom. Unions do it all the time. Corporations now have the freedom to advocate; good for them to do so.
As for Palin, good for her. If she runs, she can advocate that position. We’ll if that happens. A lot of people advocate that same position free of charge, as well.
As for Perry changing his mind, so what? This time last year, it looked like Christie, Paul Ryan, Huckabee, Mitch Daniels, Barbour and many others would duke it out for the nomination. They all passed. No one else was standing up to be the alternative to Romney.
It would have been far worse for the country if Romney had run unopposed. So far, Perry is the only one who has had the guts to actually get in the race against Romney and all of HIS money.
Will that change? Maybe.
But maybe not. When Palin announces, if she does, then we will have a second alternative to Romney.
Till then, Perry is the only alternative. And at least there is one.