If Bachmann were to bow out of the race, would she be more likely to throw her support to Palin or Perry? I’ve read about the affinity between Perry and Bachmann and she must believe she has a better chance of being VP nominee with Perry than she would in a potential all women ticket with Palin. My betting is that she bows out after a disappointiing fourth place in Iowa and throws her support to Perry.
Both Bachmann and Perry will be throwing all their support, and actively campaigning for Palin after the three quarter pole.
If Bachmann were to bow out of the race, would she be more likely to throw her support to Palin or Perry?I don't think that matters so much these days. The people who I know who support Bachmann (and I do myself, to a certain extent), aren't the type of people who are going to listen to Bachmann on who they should support if she ends her campaign.
Bachmann supporters aren't Bachmann robots. Each of them will make up his/her own mind on who to support if Bachmann drops out.