I'm sure they thank FReeper Cincinatus' Wife even more, for her multitude of Perry-pal postings, booming up her boy early morning at oh-dark-thirty and every night late into the night, combing the world for articles she can put up about Perry, Perry, Perry's the Won!
Especially since the Obamarrhoids want to run against a thoroughly-compromised RiNO timeserver, as opposed to someone who can unleash lightning on command and stir the conservative base to roaring enthusiasm in one speech.
So how about, people put up the articles they think are important, and you Perrybots don't give them a hard time about it? Or at least give them the leeway your own side is taking for granted.
Usually the pro-Perry articles are posted once per article, not the same exact story posted day after day after day after day for days on end, even after they’ve been debunked multiple times.
But i figure people can post whatever they want. I think the Perry supporters are probably spending too much time giving these rehashed posts the time of day.