Yes, I dream of the day that these union moochers and their ideological pals take up arms against the tea party. They will get a reaction that is will shock them.
North Florida Brigade ready to roll...
Remember the days when the joke was there is a 60 minutes crew here and they want to interview you? Not is it there is a union rep here and he wants to talk about some violation of some union rule.
My question to these scum bag union leaders: if you support the Dems and it is the dems who support illegal aliens, aliens who take your jobs, how is it the Tea party and by extention the GOP is hurting you or why is it you continue to vote for the dummocrat party?
Be patient Roy, Be patient.
It’s coming. Just prepare for when it happens.
I dare them to try to take me out. I am a proud Tea Partier. You get close to me and I will shove the barrel of my gun so deep down your throat, it will make your head spin.
I will not start it but I sure will fight back.