Get your facts straight about Rick Perry.
The Palinstinians are worse than the left-wing media when it comes to making up crap, throwing it against the wall, and hoping it sticks.
I don’t see anyone here calling him a drag queen.
He’s not, is he?
Gov. Rick Perry has thrown his hat into the ring as a presidential candidate. This move presents a unique opportunity for him to show political imagination and creative solutions on a national scale. As governor, he embraced and supported the Texas Dream Act, which is currently in force in our state. The Texas Dream Act permits qualified undocumented immigrants to pay low in-state tuition. In contrast to the proposed federal Dream Act, the state version does not provide a path to citizenship. It does, however, importantly protect these young people from being barred from a much needed education, so long as they have lived in our state for three years and have a high school diploma or GED degree. As Perry has stated accurately, “To punish these young Texans for their parents’ actions is not what America has always been about.”
We need legislation that represents a new, better future. We do not need legislation that sees the only solution as more stringent enforcement, without relief or discretion. To take such a path to addressing the problem of immigration lacks imagination because it fails to account for people who, if given a chance, would work and contribute (lawfully) to our economy and the nation’s future. Such a solution would be good not just for immigrants but for our whole society and economy.
Houston Chronicle, August 31, 2011
Let me translate all that for you:
“Just the tip, just for a second, just to see how it feels.”
Texas DREAM Act? Really?
I’m surprised he didn’t pass TEXACARE, or some Romnoid equivalent.
Wall. It. Off.
It’s a border guys, not a velvet rope.
They aren’t going to vote for us people, they are going to vote for the idiots giving out the free tuition and the ten pound blocks of cheese - the bags of groceries.
Liberals are evil, but they at least adhere to their principles. We’re supposed to be principled, but we lack the courage to admit we harbor any. If any should stand between us and getting elected, we’ll just move them over until we get elected, and then we’ll PROMISE to put them back.
It’s how we got McCain.
Next, please.
And Palin herself says that Perry is a true conservative and gave him a strong endorsement in their own definition she is a RINO...they talk in circles and contradict themselves.