Getting his bid in now.
Major issues Forbes has supported include free trade, health savings accounts, and allowing people to opt out 75% of Social Security payroll taxes into Personal Retirement Accounts (PRAs). He supports traditional Republican Party policies such as downsizing government agencies to balance the budget, tough crime laws and support for the death penalty, and school vouchers, opposition to gun control and most government regulation of the environment, as well as drug legalization and same-sex marriage.
In his 2000 campaign, Forbes professed his support for social conservatism along with his supply-side economics. Despite holding opposite positions in 1996, for the 2000 campaign, Forbes announced he was adamantly opposed to abortion and supported prayer in public schools. The previous year Forbes had issued a statement saying he would no longer donate money to Princeton University due to its hiring of philosopher Peter Singer, who views personhood as being limited to ‘sentient’ beings and therefore considers some disabled people and all infants to lack this status. Steve Forbes was one of the signers of the Statement of Principles of Project for the New American Century (PNAC) on June 3, 1997.
....On March 28, 2007, Forbes joined Rudolph Giuliani’s campaign for the 2008 presidential election, serving as a National Co-Chair and Senior Policy Advisor.[17] Later in the 2008 presidential campaign, Forbes served as John McCain’s Economic Adviser on Taxes, Energy and the Budget during McCain’s bid for the 2008 Presidential election.[18]
In December 2009, Forbes, in a nationwide mailer for the National Right To Work Committee, opposed union membership for police officers and firefighters, terming their representatives, “union czars,” and requested that mailer recipients contact their congressional representatives with regard to HR 413.[citation needed] In 2010 Forbes endorsed Peter Schiff.
On January 7, 2010 Forbes announced his endorsement of Dr. Rand Paul, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.[19]
On January 28, 2010 he formally endorsed Marco Rubio, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in the State of Florida.[20]
Wonder what Governor Quid Pro Quo promised Stevie.
Wonder what Forbes stands to gain from Perry if he don't play in Perry's camp unless you pay up.