Yes, he does, unless you’re of the mindset that the only acceptable view of Islam is “shoot all Muslims on sight.”
All, let me repeat that, ALL Muslims use the Quran as their holy book, their rules of life. The Quran calls for the Muslims to kill Jews, Christians and anyone of other religions who do not convert or pay the jisya in humility. Muslims/Islam can not coexist with the Constitution and American laws. Perrys own speeches show he is an apologist for Muslims. In that article Amil Imani is himself a Muslim apologist.
” Yes, he does, unless youre of the mindset that the only acceptable view of Islam is shoot all Muslims on sight. “
That pretty much nails it. We’ve been burdened here and there with the Scarlett Letter, KKK, mass deportation and the Supremacist type thinking for decades. It is disguised as some kind of Puritan genius that would somehow cleanse society of it’s decadence overnight if it just weren’t for the stupid people. You know, the ones from every tribe, creed and tongue that built the country. Us. And, of course, Rick Perry. LOL. Pathetic inadequacy of heart, mind and maybe soul, rhetorically speaking on that soul thing, but you get my drift. These ACTUAL candidates are not God, but Perry can be trusted to handle racism with a little earthly justice without being intimidated by our enemies, either both foreign or domestic.