I was listening to someone speaking about Obama the other night....saying his educational background etc. coupled with his ego will not permit him to connect with the people. He talks to them but doesn't engage with him until he has hit the "time to clap" button. The he is still in the ego mode and not engaged. He talks over people not to them.
Many politicians do that....Palin on the other hand speaks candidly and engages with all she encounters. It's a part of her overall makeup...and she does it very well...regardless of how she "sounds"....she has charisma.
People compare her to Ronaldus Magnus for that very reason. But even on the Dem side.... Look at Billy C. He was the definition of “bumpkin” but he was able to engage people with out talking over or down to them. Even when he really was, it wasn’t ‘perceived’ that way by the masses.
Palin is “WYSWIG” What you see is what you get.
Obama has one mode...”Lecture”.
He is as uneducated, unengaging and ‘hollow’ as it gets in whatever room he walks into.