To: mylife
7 posted on
08/28/2011 5:08:23 PM PDT by
(All my weapons got melted by a NASA space pod!!)
To: davetex
I am so sick of this damn drought.
I payed off the mortgage friday and the foundation shifted saturday.
10 posted on
08/28/2011 5:11:05 PM PDT by
(OPINIONS ~ $ 1.00 HALFBAKED ~ 50c)
To: davetex
It was 122 on my neighbors deck. All of his wife’s votive candles were melted.
15 posted on
08/28/2011 5:14:39 PM PDT by
(Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?)
To: davetex
keepin' cool in Houston at 106° today...
62 posted on
08/28/2011 6:05:16 PM PDT by
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