The most costly hurricanes (googling) were Jeanne, ($4.x bilion) Rita, Hugo, Ivan, Charley, Wilma ($11.x billion) Ike ($12.6 bil), Andrew ($22.2 bil) Katrina ($45 bil)
Anything but one in the top three isn’t too likely to cause a wave of (new) genuflecting FSA soldiers wishing to rededicate their existences to the Brave New World the Wun would like to enforce. And if 0bama is wishing for a Katrina so he can ride in like a white (oops) knight and be the salvation for a huge crowd of people....color (oops) me doubtful.
I’m not ashamed to say I’m getting positively nauseous over the relentless wall-to-wall coverage of this thing. Enough already!
I think it’s weird how, once a hurricane shows up on the radar, every politician in the country runs for the nearest camera and microphone. What a bunch of buffoons. Modern day politicians have to be one of the lowest lifeforms on the planet.
It is what the media does.
Wasn’t it just after Katrina that we saw reporter sitting in a boat doing a report on flooding when a guy waded by in the background.
There could be some political games too.
The Leftists in the media are there to make money so that is one reason for hype. The old saying in the media goes,
“If it bleeds, it leads.”
Then the other aspect of it is the Left loves emotion, drama/histrionics especially fear. They are master manipulators of emotion.
Their storytelling gives them a great amount of self-appointed importance and superiority over their viewers.
Best thing to do is just ignore them because that is the one thing they absolutely hate the most. The next best thing to do is criticize and laugh and show them to be the arrogant fools they truly are.
Irene was to be Obama’s Katrina, and he was going to use the event to show us he is better than Bush. Of course, we are lucky Irene petered out, so we wouldn’t have to watch Obama fail again.
More money and another opportunity for the media to praise King Zero’s “leadership”.
Well, there’s the redistribution of wealth angle, as you say, plus in an election year, they need pictures of the dweeb attempting to look presidential, offering solace to “victims” and so on. I hope it backfires.
They don't report facts they hype the human misery and despair.
Remember: "If it Bleeds, It Leads!"
Actually I was expecting the "globull warming" crowd to jump on this like a duck on a June-bug. "See see we told you but you wouldn't listen. It IS settled science but you just don't care about the planet and now we are all gonna die!"
The foregoing brought to you by National Geographic and the Discovery channel.
PS Ah jezz, not that $*!t again...
Even the fact of a storm is mixed with lies as the media and politicians can utter nothing else but a lie.
Even the fact of a storm is mixed with lies as the media and politicians can utter nothing else but a lie.
Perhaps inadvertently, the media sounded like a call to prayer to those who love God. I was one of them. i am sure that the prayers of thousands could weaken that perilous threat to a mere tropical storm, It is still Sunday morning at my house. Let us thank Him who is all powerful, in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.
The reason for the media hype is likely to build up this storm, so they can compare Obama’s response favorably to Bush’s response to Katrina.
Nothing garners ratings - and thus sells advertising - like disaster.