“Um ... no. SS does not become insolvent for years,”
SS is only as solvent as our Government. Yes there is a financial shell game that gives an appearance of solvency, but cut through the BS and you realize that SS is funded through present tax revenue - and borrowing. If one or both of those become unavailable or severely constrained (as is likely), SS is not solvent.
I agree with this. But, do you stand by your statement that Gov. Perry is lying?
However if we have to borrow to keep up our end to seniors, I am fine with that however I am almost 40, I will gladly give up all I have paid to never have to pay again.
Name a government program or function about which that is not true?
Perhaps if we called Social Security “THE FIRST NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST” it could get a trillion dollar bailout from the Fed. and Congress.