I like Thomas Jefferson, but he's unfortunately not available to run - neither in life nor in certain sections of the Texarse public skewal curriculum.
>>We get it. You hate Perry.
Sorry, but Emperor Perry is strolling down the avenue in his Fruit of the RINO underwear.
Was it an error for Perry to help plant ACORNs?
Was it an error for Perry to associate with The Race (La Raza)?
Evidently so.
Next applicant please?
Perry apologists say Perry is Pro Life. So is John McCain.
Perry apologists say Perry wants to repeal ObamaCare. So does John McCain.
Perry apologists say Perry is pro-Second Amendment. So is John McCain.
Perry apologists say Perry is pro-Life. So is John McCain.
Perry apologists say Perry is Pro Israel. So is John McCain.
Ricardo Perry is pro ILLEGAL alien. So is Juan McCain.
Perry apologists say Perry is a conservative, but only John McCain is a RINO.