>>>You’re not going to make any friends and impress people with that attitude you’re carying around.<<<
You might want to look at your own arrogant, condescending attitude before criticizing others.
>>>Speaking of national defense, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but foreign asisstance (of which foreign aid is)falls under the authority of Foreign Affairs and National Defense, of which the Department of Defense and the State Department, among others, are managers. There is no Charity Department. <<<
You can call it whatever you like (you do have that right in a free country, you know), but foreign aid is charity, exactly as Ron Paul describes it.
>>>That said, the constitutional argument that Ron Paul makes regarding foriegn aid seems entirely untenable, unless you’re willing to entertain the idea that he disagrees with what Congress, Washington, Adams, and Jefferson approved in 1791, which opens up a whole new set of criticisms.<<<
You are still talking apples and oranges. Tribute is not Foreign Aid. Tribute is protection money.
This from the person who said it's his mission to "teach dumb-ass conservative wannabes the facts of life about the inner workings of government, and the true intent of the Founding Fathers."
Well, that explains it. Of course, the Paulistinians prefer to pay protection money to our nation's enemies. Doing so is so craven, so spineless, so utterly Left Bank!!! Their Randian element joins La Rand in regarding charity as "cruelty" because it prolongs what they regard as the unworthy lives of the recipients. La Rand shared this endearing view with Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Barrenhood. Whatever those two and El Run may be, it is not describable as conservative.
We need not favor foreign aid schemes (admittedly unconstitutional), to recognize that "these colors do not run" and neither shall we as a nation much less as a conservative movement. If we provide MILITARY hardware to an ally like Israel when it has to wear the pants in Western Civilization during interregna such as Obozo's temporary regime, that is simply an extension of our constitutional right to defend against those enemies that Israel may cruch with those weapons. As Santorum observed to the surrenderman in recent debate: Iran is NOT Iceland.
Your conservative critics have EARNED the right to have condescending attitudes about the, ummm, "foreign policy" of Ramsay Clarke, George McGovern, Code Pink, SDS, the New Mobe, any older Mobes, Bertrand Russell, America Firsters and paleoPaulie, the new Neville Chamberlain. If you support Paulie on these controversies, you must expect to be flayed here since this IS a CONSERVATIVE website. You will need to receive your butt smooches from Reason, Cato, Pat Buchanan's magazine or from Justin(e) Raimondo of that Paulistinian-style website antiwar.com.
csense: Keep up the good work and take no guff from the peanut gallery. May God bless you and yours.