Not everyone who gets food stamps is on total welfare. Some are working poor and pay taxes as well. They have children to feed and with the price of everything inflated now a days - the food stamps help. Some of you are so judgmental. Never judge a person until you walk a mile in their shoes. People who have lost their jobs in this economy are having to get food stamps to feed their families as well. They’ve paid their fair share of taxes in the past, and I feel they deserve to reap some help from helping others. Some of you want them to eat rice, beans, etc. when you yourself wouldn’t touch the stuff. Just because tax dollars pay to help those in need, not a one of you would want to be told what you can and can’t purchase for your family. That is unless you are Moochelle Obama and ilk.
Jesus said in the gospels: I was hungry and you fed me not. Are any of you helping to feed the poor? Yes, you are, with your tax dollars. Sure, there is some waste in the system, and some buy luxury items. If you’ve ever worked at a voluntary food bank - you’d get an idea of what some of you good-hearted folks think the poor should eat. Can after can of off-brand tomato soup, that the donor and family wouldn’t eat themselves. Cheap boxes of mac & cheese - lots of them, and the list goes on.
Don’t judge a few who have milked the system by those honest people who really do need the help. Some have the idea that food stamp recipients drive fancy cars. None that I’ve seen do - just as there is abuse in everything - there is abuse in food stamps, but some want to punish everyone because they pay taxes and think they should tell others to be good food stamp recipients and eat their beans and rice. Some of you may be in a situation some day when you will have to apply for help. Not everyone has family and friends who can consistently help out to feed families. Nor do they want to. I find most people today selfish and greedy and judgmental toward others who need help.
Ok, end of my rant.
Jesus admonished people to directly take care of the poor.
Jesus never took money at gunpoint to redistribute.
While not a typical food pantry, I do out away the food donations for our St. Vincent dePaul monthly food drive. The food ranges from store brands to gluten-free goods and organic. Sure, there is always some of the donated goods I end up having to throw away, but for the most part, we get healthy, good food. The pantry looks similar to mine, overall. So, while advocating for others not to make wholesale judgments (and I agree with you), please consider the same for yourself.