Well, Perry understood and he backed off.
He did partially. Not completely.
Perry realizes that he was wrong NOW, but he sure didn’t at the time. He held a press conference after it was all over where he surrounded himself with cancer survivors and blasted his critics.
You have to understand why this issue and the TTC bothers so many of us so much. There are two issues (among many) that lay at the heart of conservationism that are not up for debate: Parental rights and property rights. Gardasil and the TTC debacle stomped on both of these fundamental principles in a big way.
If he was willing to do these things, what else is he willing to do? What other fundamental principle is he willing to stomp on?
What I’m seeing are a lot of optimistic conservatives that brush off these serious violations because they simply hate Obama so much. They just want the current administration’s crap to end and aren’t too concerned about how it happens.
I want it to end, too. But I want it to REALLY end. With a conservative majority in both houses and a solid conservative at the helm.
These are serious questions that shouldn’t be swept under the rug. I get why people like Perry. There are a lot of things that I like about him, too. But I don’t think he’s an honest conservative. An honest person cannot ignore these offenses even though we wish they weren’t there.
The time to vet these candidates is NOW. If we decide that, after a critical and detached examination of every candidate, that Perry is the best of the lot (not perfect, but the best that we’ve got) - then we support him 100%.
After the convention, when we have decided on our candidate, the time for arguing and debating will be over. Then it’s all hands on deck to defeat Obama.
But right now is when we need to by hypercritical. Right now we need to be mature enough to plow through these discussions with a serious mind and find the BEST person for this country, not just the one that has the best image.
Perry has a lot going for him and the State of Texas is a huge testament, especially during this horrible recession. But we must look at our favored candidate’s flaws. All of them. Don’t give any of these people a pass on anything.
If we find the *best* person that we have to offer, we will win. An honest conservative can and will win in 2012.