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To: BuckeyeTexan
I will personally make every effort to raise the level of discourse on the Palin and Perry threads. We must hold ourselves and each other accountable to the standards we expect of FReepers. This is an important election season. The liberals want nothing more than to divide us. If we keep the discussions focused on the candidates, we can avoid division.

I haven't been here long enough to exerience a purge and I certainly don't want to experience one now. If things continue down hill between Perry and Palin supporters, it could lead to that. A purge of one group or the other will weaken FR. Let's not put Jim in that position. We need all the conservatives we can muster to defeat Obama and his minions. Let's encourage civility and discourage personal attacks. We shouldn't have to ask Jim and the mods to police these threads.

Well said. The libs know that if they divide us and get us fighting among ourselves, our guys eliminate themselves and their guy gets re-elected. They picked our candidate in '08 and they want to do it again.

The anti-Perry article is how they knock our strongest opponent to zero off. After that, they go after the weaker candidates until all we are left with is a choice between Ron Paul or Tim Pawlenty. Is that what we want!!???

127 posted on 08/24/2011 10:33:54 PM PDT by DustyMoment (Go green - recycle Congress in 2012!!)
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To: DustyMoment

It’s not what I want. It seems to be what some want. Some want to see Perry supporters leave FR.

131 posted on 08/24/2011 10:41:22 PM PDT by BuckeyeTexan (Man is not free unless government is limited. ~Ronald Reagan)
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