useful find
I recall clearly that the year 2000 (Clinton’s last) was the first year my 401k took a significant hit - the first hit followed by many more)
Stupid article, stupid topic. Any democrat who says the words “Clinton surplus” should be voting for Newt Gingrich not Barack Obama.
Intragovernmental Debt doesn’t count as debt.
“If in a given year you earn $30,000 and a friend loans you $5,000, and you spend $32,000, is that a surplus?”
If that were the right analogy I would agree. The right analogy, of course, is
“If in a given year you earn $30,000 and you write a loan to myself of $5,000, and you spend $28,000, is that a surplus?” The answer is yes because no one cares if you write a loan to yourself.
There is not store house of unspent social security funds. There is no store house of gas to see the grandchildren, MRI’s and liverwurst. Money is going to have to be paid for those things and that money will either be gotten from taxes, borrowed from the public or printed.