His “belief”, really? Who writes this crap?! By what standard, economic or otherwise, can taking money out of the economy and placing it back in be considered “stimulative”. IT'S THE SAME POOL OF MONEY! It's the equivalent of taking water out one side of the pool to place it in the other! In my best Sam Kinison impersonation... “AH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
THANK YOU! I had the same thought when I read that sentence -- "belief," yeesh!!! As if whether or not food stamps are "economic stimulus" is a mere matter of opinion! It's like when idiots say, "Well, you have a right to your opinion that lowering taxes increases tax revenues." NO, not an opinion, A DEMONSTRATED FACT. When liberals don't like provable, demonstrable truth, they claim that it's just a matter of belief or opinion.
I like your analogy of bailing water from one end of a swimming pool and dumping it into the other end. EXACTLY. But ... heya, that's just our belief! *rolls eyes*