I suggest you listen to Mark Levin's endorsement of Hatch where he extolls Hatch's "in the trenches" efforts on moving forth conservative judicial appointments. If you think the courts don't matter or some freshman senator can guide a nominee through the minefield, well, I've got some swamp land to sell you.
Sometimes we need a tradeoff from ideology to statesman. A lot of people dont like it, and will think it is selling out, but to accomplish anything in Congress, you need a few like Hatch.
As an aside, I really like Chaffetz and hope he runs for some House Leadership position.
So? People on FreeRepublic have been having heart attacks over amnesty and Perry and Obama etc...and who do you think is one of the leading Republican Senators in favor of it? That’s right...the Senator Palin thinks is so invaluable. If he can use that experience to clear the way for Judicial picks he can use it for amnesty.
See this is what I’m talking about. They all sale us out on one issue or another. There is no conservative saint and people should stop acting like their candidate is the precious exception to the rule. I’m under no illusions as to the warts of the ones I support and I won’t defend the candidates I do support when they are wrong. At least not anymore.
As for Mark Levin his primary cause is the courts so I expect him to be more favorable to Hatch just as I expect Malkin to rip Perry since her #1 issue is amnesty.
P.S. Palin isn’t even talking of the courts. She is trying to sale him as a friend to the Tea Party on fiscal issues. That is an untrue, it is the mark of a pragmatic politician wanting to earn some chips they can call in later. It’s not the first time she’s done this and it won’t be the last as long as she wants to retain ties to the Republican party.