You will have to copy and paste this. I do HTML so seldom that I can’t remember how to do a link:
The link works just fine. Thanks! She does seem to be having fun.
I watched the whole thing. It was great, thanx!!!
She handled the “Obama was vetted more than you” comment much better than I would. Lemon says, “Why is that question wrong?” I do think he believes it!
Hey Don, what about Ayers? You guys made a big stink about Todd belonging to the Alaska Independence party. so what about Bill Ayers? You tried to hide Rev-e-rund Wright... You tried to hide (and I believe succeeded) Tony Rezko, the dirty tricks against the Hillary! campagin, his dirty tricks in the Illinois Senate campaign, and the total lack of grades and papers from Obama’s academic years, which was most of his adult life. You failed!
Damn. It’s useless trying to argue with these people. Just show disdain for them and laugh in their faces, like Sarah did!
Sorry, just saw the link. LOL